So I started a new job a little over a month ago that has absolutely nothing to do with being a fitness instructor, although coincidentally leaving the studio one day is exactly where I said I'd be interested in taking on this new role.
It was random how it happened, but there really weren't very strict qualifications when I was officially interviewed and hired... "you have a pulse and you're standing... perfect. Can you start this weekend?"
I don't know if you've noticed, but everyone seems to be understaffed these days, and everyone seems to be hiring. Do you want to work? Because someone somewhere will hire you immediately.
And if you don't want to work, at least be kind to those that are showing up. Because patience and grace for others helps a lot these days.
Anyway... there was a bit of a learning curve to this new job and suffice it to say the first couple days felt a bit overwhelming in what I needed to learn, know and do as part of the job… wait tables, learn the menu & computer system, run your food, bus your tables, sometimes be the hostess AND be your own barista for the very long list of coffee drinks on the menu.
Insert Rihanna’s lyrics… SOS please someone help me…
In my mind though, you can't ask God or the universe to keep you open to all opportunities and then say... "no, no, not that opportunity, I can't do this or that requires too much stepping outside my comfort zone."
Pretty sure God would say... that's exactly why you have this opportunity... now get to work.
So as we were all finishing up yesterday and discussing the new gal that was just hired as a hostess who just had her first day, they all said that if you stay on for at least a month you're basically considered a full-time employee, because not everyone lasts more than a couple days around there. And... I've been there for over a month now so I guess I'm in it for the long-haul.
Then the owner's son looked at me and said... "yeah, I wasn't sure about you on your first day, I figured you might not come back."
I laughed and said... "well, I did feel a bit overwhelmed, I'm not gonna lie... but you just gotta fake it til you make it. Well and keep asking a lot of annoying questions too.” LOL
They all at least told me I wasn't annoying. Other than maybe that time I asked the owner's son to help me with a coffee drink on like my 3rd weekend in a row of asking for help with my drinks and he said, "Deana... you're gonna have to learn how to do this yourself... just do it."
Haha... ok then, sink or swim.
So far I haven't had any complaints on what I've served so I'll stay positive and assume it's been ok.
It's a crazy atmosphere and no one is worried about hurting your feelings, so thick skin helps... (oh wait... had to develop that as a fitness instructor years ago) but I really like these people and I'm truly enjoying it at this point.
I will say however, that on my first day of work, my boyfriend walked in to see how I was doing and I wasn't sure if I should smile because it made me happy to see him, cry because I was in over my head, or just ask him to kidnap me so I could leave.
Thankfully things feel much less overwhelming now and I'm making it, more than I'm faking it. LOL
But here's the thing about me.
I don't give up or give in easily. Not on people, places, jobs, relationships, friendships, etc.
In fact, it takes a LOT for me to give up. And a lot of tears and frustration before I get to that point.
Hi... Taurus the stubborn-ass-bull, nice to meet you.
And then even when I do finally wave the flag and want to surrender... there will still be something in me that's willing to try again.
At this point in my life, I've also learned to pray on things too.
To ask God to guide me in my decisions.
To ask God to be my strength.
And even harder yet, to give my problems or worries to God at night and just try to go to sleep.
I've learned to ask God to walk into a room before me if I feel nervous or overwhelmed.
I've learned to ask God to continue to give me opportunities where I can make a difference or an impact.
In fact... life really does boil down to just that... where and how can you make a difference? Large or small? Where can you add value or make an impact? Probably just about anywhere on any given day if you're willing and have a positive attitude.
There is much to be uncertain about these days... much, much to be uncertain and concerned about unfortunately. But we can all make a difference in someone else's life. We can all make a change to our OWN life. We just have to WANT to make a change. We just have to look for opportunities... not necessarily perfect opportunities, but be willing to try, learn or grow.
And well... growth is never comfortable.
When is the last time you stepped outside your comfort zone?
When is the last time you tried something new?
When is the last time you trusted that it was ok to fail before you succeed?
Failure IS in fact part of the path to success.
Photo cred: AD images
For some, trying something new might mean stepping into a new gym or starting a new fitness journey.
And with anything new, it can feel intimidating or awkward the first time you do it.
And just like me starting a new job where I had to walk in brand new and learn everything, it can feel nerve-wracking.
I've instructed at quite a few gyms and studios in the last 10 years though, and I can honestly say you won't find a more welcoming place to workout than Bloom Fitness Studio. It is a friendly, non-judgemental, supportive, fun community of women all with similar interests in mind... primarily health and wellness. For some it might even be an hour away from work, family, the noise of the outside world and time for self-care.
Self-care is NOT selfish.
It is in fact ESSENTIAL.
YOU are essential and so is your health and wellness.
And it's ok if you put yourself first on your priority list because without your health and wellness... well... let's just say you can't pour from an empty cup... and your family or work life will eventually be affected.
We have a few special deals right now on classes if you'll trust me and all the other truly cool instructors I work with to give you an amazing workout that's fun too!
That fun factor along with the amazing community of people who workout there is what will make you want to return.
Photo cred: AD images
And while I'm probably better at fitness than I am at waiting tables... at this point if you ask me for a Bloody Mary or a Venti Caramel Macchiato with your meal, among many other choices... I'll try not to let you down on that either.
Although I'd suggest keeping those coffee drinks to a minimum, and "filling your cup" in a different way, because they look more like dessert to me... I'm just sayin.
Happy Monday!