So... my parents called and asked if I wanted to bike the Katy Trail with them on Saturday and hit a winery too.
But I had a few things momentarily run through my head before I said... ok, I'll join you!
Two of the biggest things I immediately started to overthink was... ummm... I haven't been on anything other than a stationary bike for more than 30 years...
Does anyone care that it's supposed to be 98 degrees outside?
But neither of those things actually came out of my mouth before I agreed to meet them and I think they were really happy with my response too.
As much as I need to work on saying NO to things I don't really want to do, I also need to work on saying YES to things outside my comfort zone.
They both have their own bikes and helmets, but we parked in Defiance so we could rent a bike & helmet for me. The rental place was about a block away from where we had parked with their bikes, so I had to get on my rented bike and ride it to the parking lot while they walked behind me.
Not gonna lie. As I was trying to get on the bike, and after even lowering the seat one more time, I was shaking so badly I wasn't sure I was up for it.
And I literally said to my mom... I don't know if I can do this.
However, she remained quiet, allowed me to get my footing and I kept moving forward.
It's what a parent does for their child, holds back and watches you go.
I'm fairly certain my mom & dad may have been secretly thinking to themselves as they walked behind me... let's get this girl some training wheels again... because they could see I was shaky.
Long story short though... after a few solid minutes of trying to feel more comfortable again once we got on the trail, we ended up biking from Defiance to Augusta and back, which was a total of about 15 miles.
Thankfully a lot of our trail included shade too, so the heat wasn't noticed as much as it could've been.
We had plenty of water and we stopped to get off the bike a few times along the way.
It was a fun day and I truly just tried to soak in as much of the view and experience as I could, quietly thanking God along the way because I needed to get out of my comfort zone like this. And thankful as well for time spent with my parents because that's really what matters most in life is the time we spend with loved ones.
Did you know the Katy Trail was created over the old railroad path alongside the Missouri River?
Pretty cool.
Also my dad is pretty sure we rode past bear poop a few times.
My mom & I assumed it was from a horse or something, but after he showed us googled pics of examples, we thanked him for not bringing it to our attention until we were sitting at dinner.
And also glad the actual "pooper" wasn't part of our bike ride.
Have you ever had those moments in life when you're going through a period of feeling off-balance and then you have to remind yourself to trust in your own abilities and keep putting one foot in front of the other?
There's something to be said for an experience that will shake you, yet ground you and help you get your footing again all at the same time.
You have to keep moving forward and putting one foot in front of the other or you'll fall.
If you fall though, you can always get back up and try again.
Falling isn't the worst thing that can happen in life, but you'll never experience any growth until you figure out how you got there and rise up from it.
And strangely enough I kinda want to buy a bike after this whole experience now.
Also... I've gotta keep up with those two because they certainly aren't spending their life sitting down.
Unless of course it's on a bike. LOL