Quick post about a new obsession... ♥
I don't usually promote things that are labelled "skinny" or "low fat"... because nutritionally that usually means that it's packed with extra sugar or some kind of preservative to make it taste better.
So... yeah... steer clear of those products in the store. If nothing else it gives a false sense of thinking you can just eat more of it, because hey... they said it's fat-free! Ummmm... NO.
Additionally... I didn't reach for this product in the store because I think I need to lose weight or eat things that appear by the name to be low in calories. Quite the contrary.
The reason it caught my eye was because it said VEGAN on the label. I'm not totally vegan, as I do eat lean proteins like chicken, turkey, eggs & fish, but since Bryn has severe life-long allergies to dairy, eggs & nuts... I've become accustomed to reading labels since she was diagnosed at 3 years old. And unless a product includes nuts... VEGAN usually means she CAN eat it!
So I grabbed 2 different Skinny Souping soups to try. If you're local, I found them at Fresh Thyme. Here's the ingredients of the Spicy Super Greens soup:
All fresh ingredients. No preservatives. High in fiber. And it tastes SO GOOD!!
It's pretty low in calories too... thus the name.
I checked out their website & apparently "souping" is a better alternative to a juice cleanse. Unlike with juice cleanses... the fiber, vitamins & nutrients are all maintained in the souping process.
Since a cleanse was also not my goal in trying this soup... I'll add that if you're like me & just going to eat it because veggies are really good for you... you could always add some extra protein like a few slices of grilled chicken or a handful of shrimp for a meal that's still healthy!
I've since gone back to try a 3rd soup... so I can now give a big thumbs-up for Spicy Super Greens, Tomato Ancient Grains & Broccoli Lemon Arugula. And I'm patiently waiting for the others to be restocked so I can try more!
It's BPA-free packaging, so you can heat it up in the microwave or just eat it cold... I like it both ways.
Great way to sneak some extra veggies in your diet!
Also a quick way to have already-prepared meals ready to grab if you're lacking in time or desire to meal prep every week.
When you have already-prepared healthy meal choices, you're less likely to grab food that isn't good for your body.
And although I'm a fitness instructor that promotes EXERCISE... the biggest impact you can make for your body if weight loss is a goal... is in the kitchen. "They say" it's 70% diet... and 30% gym. And unfortunately, we can't out-exercise a bad diet.
Anyhoo... obviously this soup isn't a cure-all, but it's worth trying if you want some healthy choices in your fridge.
And this isn't an ad, nor do I get anything other than the satisfaction of knowing that you might be inclined to add something quick & healthy to your diet.
And on that note... I do hope to see you in class as well!