It's been quite a few months since I last blogged, but in honor of my recent birthday... here's 56 random things on my mind at 56 about health and our relationships with ourselves and others...
- Begin each day with gratitude. It helps you see what's there, instead of what isn't.
- Practicing gratitude is especially important when things aren't going your way.
- Who and what you surround yourself with is your biggest influence. If you want to start somewhere, declutter your space. Give stuff away, sell it, throw it away. If you haven't used it in forever, there's probably someone out there who is in need. A decluttered space = a decluttered mind.
- Stop chasing a smaller body and chase a strong one instead.
- You don't need to shrink to be more worthy. But losing excess weight may just be the key to feeling better physically and emotionally.
- Losing the weight of other people's opinions and expectations is even healthier for you.
- Go for walks. Get outside. Or hop on the treadmill if it's more convenient. Walking is one of the best things you can do for your health.
- Every single organ in your body benefits from regular exercise... brain, skin, muscle, bone... you name it, exercise helps. Want to look and feel younger? Get moving.
- Our bodies weren't designed to sit at a desk for 8 hours a day. They were designed to hunt and gather, not Netflix and chill.
- It's not selfish for parents to put their needs first. Our kids want us to be happy, healthy and to stick around for as long as possible.
- Adequate sleep needs to be your best friend. It will either help or hinder everything else in your life if you're not getting 7-8 hours regularly.
- You can't make everyone happy and not everyone will like you no matter how much you try. Remove the I want you to like me sticker from your forehead and put it on your mirror where it belongs.
- People pleasing = maximizing someone else's needs, while minimizing your own.
- Minimizing your needs will never maximize the success of your relationships.
- A woman staying home to raise her kids is ok. And a woman deciding to bring home the bacon instead of staying home to raise kids is also ok.
- I've tended to be more old school with traditional roles and values, but judging other's choices shouldn't be ok.
- If you're a grown man living with your parents though, or worse yet choosing not to work at all, then I'm totally judging, bro. That's just not how a man leads in my opinion.
- How lean you are is the least interesting thing about you.
- Stop hating your body and picking it apart.
- If you don't like something about yourself, then get up and make a change.
- Do something, do anything... because change requires action.
- Whatever you're not changing, you're choosing to accept though.
- Cardio is great for your heart health, but it's not the complete answer to weight loss.
- Lifting weights won't bulk you up, but you need to lift them regularly if you want to see the biggest changes in your body.
- Eating protein at each meal is a great way to stave off hunger and help build muscle.
- Exercise is 20%, nutrition is 80%... and both are required with consistency if you want to achieve your health goals.
- In fact, what you do regularly trumps what you do occasionally. Aim for building daily habits, not perfection. Aim for lifestyle changes, not quick solutions.
- Goals require specific plans of action.
- You can say or think all the right things, but actions supersede intentions.
- Failure is the path to success, but don't give up and quit when you hit it.
- Success doesn't happen overnight, and failure doesn't either.
- Every fall is a chance to rise though, and there just might be something down there we're supposed to find to help us grow.
- Talk less, listen more.
- We have something to learn from everyone God places in our path. In fact, there's always a reason He placed them there.
- Step outside your comfort zone regularly.
- Travel, see other places, the world is bigger than your neighborhood commute to and from work every week.
- Get off your phone and do literally anything else.
- And if you have to be on your phone, at least put it away when you're with others. We don't have to be available to everyone and everything 24/7.
- It's ok to miss a call. It's ok to not immediately respond. It's ok to turn off your notifications and be present.
- We actually used to exist without constant connection to the rest of the world. We actually used to get from point A to point B without GPS. We used to talk more and text less. We used to get outside more and sit inside less.
- Why are little kids on phones and gadgets the second you sit down at a restaurant instead of just engaging with them?
- "Smart" phones have made us dumber about genuine connection with others.
- Our health is the most precious thing we have, yet most take it for granted until it's lost.
- Temporary, everything, all of it... the good days, the bad days. Cherish the good and hang in there with the bad, because it's all ever-changing throughout your life. Once you realize that, you're better equipped to ride the ups & downs.
- You have to risk possible heartache to feel immense love, but that love is worth the risk.
- Death is inevitable but choose to live with joy while you're still alive.
- Need some natural dopamine hits for a better mood? Sunlight, lift weights, walk, dance, meaningful sex, laughter, new experiences, meditation are just a few ideas.
- There's nothing wrong with seeking outside mentorship or therapy. We can all benefit from another point of view than our own.
- You can't build a kingdom with someone if either of you is still seeking approval from the masses.
- There's no room for ego or pride in a relationship with others. But having pride in the way you feel could be useful in your relationship with your own health.
- Healthy bodies and healthy relationships don't happen without consistent work.
- Keep your squats low and your head, heels and standards high.
- Don't adapt to the energy in the room, influence the energy in it.
- Wake, pray, slay.
- Age is just a number... you are not too old and it's not too late.
- But aging with grace is overrated. Age with mischief, audacity and a good story to tell.