Has anyone besides me been reorganizing and/or redecorating their home during all these snow and ice storms we've had lately?
It's not like my house is really unorganized, but there's something about making things look newer, updated or less cluttered that settles my mind.
You really do become what you surround yourself with... people, places, things.
And a cluttered home can usually equal a cluttered mind.
And goodness knows I can clutter my mind on my own without my home assisting me further, thankyouverymuch. LOL
Among other areas though, I've spent quite some time in my office lately... throwing stuff out, reorganizing, etc.
But yesterday I stopped to read the inspiration board I made about 3 years ago as part of a Bloom Book Club night.
I had literally pulled everything from my Pinterest boards at that time... just saved and printed each thing I wanted to use.
Have you ever made an inspiration board?
The concept of it is to have something you see daily that will help you manifest those things.
Mine is in my office closet, but that door is almost always open so I get a glimpse of it every time I'm sitting at my desk.
Honestly though... I don't read it daily. In fact, I haven't stood there and read everything on it since I hung it there.
So much for manifesting and inspiring me. Whoopsie.
But it all still applies. I probably just need to keep all of it more in my daily sight...
In related news, I made some subtle changes to the room.
I removed all the gold polka dots from the wall and hung an old clock that's been sitting in my basement for over 6 years. It was from my old kitchen and never really went with my current decor anywhere in my house, but I'm kinda liking it again for some reason.
Weird how your style changes, but yet it doesn't really.
I also purchased a new set of actual wood drawers to put under the desk to replace the old plastic rolling one. I mean, it's not like it matters that much... they're both functional... I just wanted it to look better.
Bryn's art and creations are scattered throughout the room. I didn't exactly ask for permission, but if you find something in the basement, I feel like it's fair game to give it new life and display it, right?
Plus... she's crazy talented and I like to look around and see stuff that makes me feel happy.
It looks a little more like an office than a craftroom now I guess? LOL
Pegboard is an inexpensive way to add storage to your wall.
And that Chanel canvas... Bryn made it. So cute!
I designed this t-shirt and then cut it up. I know, me cutting something up? Never happens...
Bryn made the St Louis canvas too. Literally her handwriting and a free-handed interpretation of the city.
I mean... I know I'm partial... but it's way too cute.
That's Bryn's self-portrait from 3rd grade on the wall above my desk.
It's been framed and hanging there since I moved into this house and I love it...
More of Bryn's artwork on the wall with my inspiration board. This room is full of things that inspire me... ♥
And this area changed slightly too.
I have a few scrapbooks. Shocking I know.
One of these days, I swear I'm going to start scrapbooking again.
Even ordered and printed about 100 photos recently.
And they're currently sitting peacefully in a box... in the top of the closet... just waiting for that day to roll around again.
What can I say except I should probably add it to my inspiration board...