Lots of news about Jeff Bezos and his rocket ship lately. Hilarious, if you ask me.
And forewarning that in the past 13 years, this might be my most negative sounding post ever.
I regret nothing. LOL
I've been thinking a lot lately though about quite a few public comments I saw on an Instagram post about him that said something to the effect of "he should've donated to charity instead of spending that much money on a trip into space." People were also calling him a dick and also making reference to the shape of the rocket ship.
Who cares how another human being chooses to spend their money? Who's right is it to judge and decide for them?
Maybe the guy is a dick.
So what? It affects you how??
Maybe the guy spent an insane amount of money to go into space in something that looks like a dick.
So what? The resemblance is pretty funny and if he is in fact a dick, it makes sense that he’s going through a divorce... I'm just sayin .
But who’s business is it what he does with his money that HE made by GOING TO WORK?
It is highly unlikely that a business man with that much money doesn't give to charity already. It's one of many ways to avoid paying all your money in taxes, duh.
This man went to work though, started a business and made a ton of money. How does that give others the right to have an opinion on what he does with it?
Share it, Jeff. Give it all to every charity out there. Oh… and then we’ll still criticize you if you miss any of them or give too much to one or not enough to another. Unfair that someone has that much money. He should share it.
Trophies for everyone. There should only be winners and no losers regardless of skill or hard work.
And don't even get me started on Simone Biles.. who trains harder in one day than most people do in an entire lifetime. Yet we have the right to judge to her.
Personally, I think those that have that much hatred for Bezos should just stick it to him by not shopping on Amazon. Or how about shopping on Amazon for something that resembles his rocket ship. It might make you feel happier? And then not have time to judge others?
In fact, I have a few Facebook friends who sell such items too. I’m sure they’d love to have the business if you don’t want to support Amazon. LOL
Or... how about go workout?
Or ANYTHING that involves bettering yourself instead of judging others.
I really do try to stay neutral on social media because of the impact it could have on my classes & the opinion formed about me… which by the way, has zero to do with my dance skills or ability to lead. But it will. Oh how people love to judge. Or think their opinions are superior to others who may not agree with them.
We all SHOULD have the right to our own opinions and beliefs, but social media has made it way too easy for people to hide behind their computer and say things they’d never have the guts to say to someone’s face.
Or who knows, maybe they would have the guts.
COVID seems to have killed common sense and compassion for others along the way.
My opinions don't define me... nor do yours.
My opinions aren't necessarily right, nor are yours.
But in MY opinion... more dancing or ANY KIND OF MOVEMENT... and less time for social media and judging others would serve everyone better.
And if you can't afford a gym membership... go out and take a walk, even if it is hot as hell outside.
A little sweating never hurt anyone.