Ok, promise this is the last time I'm going to talk plasma. (Secretly crossing my fingers behind my back. LOL)
However... this is crazy.
It was my understanding that I signed up to donate a max of 6 times in my first month and would be compensated $100 for each donation. As you can see in my account below, that's what I've received each time until today. (And by the way... the $50 amount was for giving a referral.)
So imagine my surprise after today's donation, when I checked my account expecting another $100 deposit, and they gave me $205?!
Ummmm... what the heck?! Thank you!!
Plasma is commonly given to trauma, burn and shock patients,
as well as people with severe liver disease or multiple clotting factor deficiencies.
It helps boost the patient's blood volume, which can prevent shock,
and helps with blood clotting.
Aside from the fact that you are potentially really helping someone with your donation, the fact that you're compensated for your time & effort is a big incentive! And while yes... my first visit took a hot minute to jump through a few hoops, which doesn't always happen for most people, it's literally been about 1 hour of my time every other time I go.
And I do know that if you have type AB blood (which I do not), they really need that the most because it's so uncommon.
Anyway... if you end up going... tell them I referred you. However, try to ignore my picture they'll likely show you to verify I'm your friend.
Again as I said a couple blog posts ago, they're like the DMV with all the info they need from you, and evidently they also need your picture on file.
Who knew?
So don't wear a hat to your first appointment like I did, or they'll make you take it off. And then... you'll look like a total hot mess. LOL
And yes... I did ask if I could retake it on a subsequent visit, when the nurse looked at me with regular hair & said... "Is this you???"
Ha! Yes... and can I retake it?
Okie dokie then.
Over $600 later, I guess I don't care how bad my picture is! LOL