I've mentioned him on here before, but if you're not already following Ed Mylett on Instagram... do it. He's a great resource for adding some positivity, encouragement & inspiration to your feed.
The other day he posted a short video titled "Why You Always Need a Crisis." In it, he starts off by saying he was turning 48 and his daughter asked him "dad... what's up with the midlife crisis... the beard, the hair dye, all the selfies on instagram... what's going on, dad?" Kinda funny, kinda relatable. I think my own daughter has given up on questioning me. TikTok anyone? LOL
If I could share the short video on here, I would, but how he responded to her is really thought-provoking... essentially admitting to yes, I am going through a midlife crisis, but before you were born I was going through one, and at every age I'm in a crisis to change... to be a better human than I was before. Our cells replace themselves every year, our digestive tract every 6 weeks, you're supposed to replace yourself every single year. The whole concept of life is to be constantly replacing ourselves.
He followed it up with this post & I love his positive spin on what it means to be in a "crisis"...
I’m in an ongoing crisis to CONTINUALLY become the next best version of myself.
Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone and at the end of my life, when I come face to face with the person God created me to be, the BEST version of who I could have become, I want us to be identical twins!
I want to know that I didn’t waste my time here on this earth.
I want to know that I FULFILLED MY PURPOSE.
So I don’t have time to waste... and neither do you! If you feel stagnant, it’s time to crank up the pressure and put yourself in crisis mode!
The whole purpose of life, besides serving others, is to grow, to change, to evolve.
Get some URGENCY behind you! It will motivate and push you to reach the next best version of yourself.
Think about what’s on the line. Your legacy? Your business? Your faith?
Think about who’s depending on you. Your family? Your employees? You?
As long as you’re alive, you’ve got more work to do! You’ve got a better you to become!
“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable”. I love that statement! I have never been so uncomfortable in my 64 years on this earth! I heard for King & Country sing that AMAZING song at the Powerplex Drive-in last month. So powerful! Are you are still hanging out at CB&W? 😊❤️
Posted by: Kathy Byrne | August 29, 2020 at 03:04 PM
SO true ... I really needed to hear that today! :)
Posted by: Julie Tucker-Wolek | August 30, 2020 at 10:05 AM