Heading to Louisville for Bryn's last volleyball tournament of the season with her Net Force team this weekend... my first time there.
Too bad the Kentucky Derby isn't going on!
Although we won't exactly be doing much sight-seeing as we'll be watching games all weekend. But that's ok & I'm excited to watch them play. They really are good & fun to watch!
And the parents are all fun to be with too, which is great!
Anyway.... I made treat bags for each girl. Just a bottle of Gatorade & a couple snacks for in between matches.
I mean, why not waste time getting crafty when I should be packing?
Once again, I've used my SRM Volleyball Stickers. Love them.
And coincidentally, this particular sheet happens to have a "net force" sticker on it.
I mean... how cool is that??!
This sticker set has been discontinued but a similar set can be purchased here.
I did design work for SRM Stickers several years ago & the owner was kind enough to send me quite a few extra volleyball sticker sheets since she knew Bryn played. So.... I just happened to have enough of those "net force" stickers to use for each player's bag.
Simply printed a fun team photo of the girls on cardstock, used a volleyball patterned ribbon, basic brown lunch bag.... easy peasy.
I also did a volleyball gift for Bryn's teammates back in 2011 using that same sticker set + SRM Tubes. And that project STILL to this day causes DAILY hits on my blog because it's been pinned & repinned so many times on Pinterest.
Craziness I tell ya. I guess people love shoelaces?? LOL
You can see the original post here.
Okie dokie then. TGIF! Weekend begins now.
But first things first.
Before I leave town, dancing is a MUST.
Added a new arm song for Zumba this morning. A little Prince. It's one of my many favorite songs of his.
Still shaking my head about his death. Very very sad...
Those treat bags are so fun!!! We went out to dinner last night and in the front part of the restaurant is a happy hour/bar area and we could hear all the Prince songs being played while there ... so sad :( Good luck to her team!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Julie Tucker-Wolek | April 23, 2016 at 08:31 AM