Typical convo... this time after leaving the dentist office...
Bryn: Can we go to the outlet mall?
Me: The outlet mall?? What? No. We're just going to Target.
Bryn: Can we go to the regular mall then?
Me: No. Just Target today.
Bryn: Can we go to The Meadows?
Me: Ummm starts with N, ends with O.
Bryn starts changing the radio station.
Me: Oh... not that song again. They play that song all the time, I'm sick of it.
Bryn changes the station.
Me: Hey can you just plug my phone in please so I can listen to that Pitbull song again? I think I came up with some moves that might work.
Bryn: No. I finally got that song out of my head, I'm not listening to it again.
Me: Seriously. Just one more time while I'm thinking about it. I just want to hear if it will work with these moves I'm thinking of.
Bryn: No. I had that song stuck in my head all night long. I could barely fall asleep.
I start laughing hysterically.
Me: Just one more time. That's all, I promise.
Bryn: Ok. You can play your Pitbull song if I can go to the mall.
Me: Nevermind.
And that is how we roll. ALL. THE. TIME.
Maybe we should go back to car dancing instead. If only she weren't away at camp AGAIN...
HA!!!!!! I can relate!! I just now hand her my Kindle/ear buds and put on Pitch Perfect 2 soundtrack! LOL!! :)
Posted by: Julie Tucker-Wolek | July 23, 2015 at 07:59 PM