Hmmm... only 12 days this time... wow, I think I'm onto something here.
And it's called neglect.
Strangely enough... people still visit this blog every day in spite of my not posting. A LOT of the traffic is via Pinterest for this project I posted 2 years ago when Bryn was playing volleyball. I made these gifts for her teammates (using SRM tubes + stickers), since I was one of the coaches for her team. The owner of SRM Stickers has told me before that it's the most-pinned project of everything she's put on Pinterest from her design team.
People love colorful shoe laces, I guess. Who knew?! LOL
And speaking of volleyball, Bryn is FINALLY back at it again. I mean, have you seen how tall that girl is? She NEEDS to play. Us shawtys that played volleyball back in the day, could only bump & set. That girl can slam it over the net with those long legs if she'd just stay at it. Anyhoo.... her first game is next week while we're in Vegas. Very bummed to miss it, but I think Grandma will be able to take her.
In addition to volleyball, other things going on around here include teaching/subbing Zumba, watching Mizzou football with friends in the rain, taking Bryn to the dermatologist for some weird virus on her legs that looks like gigantic zits, helping with boatloads of 7th grade homework (minus the math... that's Bob's department), spinning & running, hangin' with my peeps, enjoying the cooler Fall weather & looking forward to seeing my sister this weekend.
I've also finished a few things lately, while catching The Voice & the Cardinals playoff games.
Gotta love St Louis!
No detail shots on any of these, so it's not a mile-long post. Just message me if you want product info. I figure I may as well post all these at once since it could be another 12-17 days before I'm back on here again.
On this one I used Bryn's artwork. She drew her name with markers one day at the Y while I was teaching so I saved it, cut it out & put it on here with some of her "selfies" she took over the summer. The rest of the page is a list of things she did this summer. You know... a reminder to her when she tells me she never goes anywhere...

On the next page, I forgot that I had already used these comparison photos of the first & last days of school, like ummm 2 weeks ago, so technically I have 2 pages with these same photos. And before you ask how that happened, the answer is YES. I AM LOSING MY MIND. Don't judge.
Hey, at least I never posted the first page or you'd really think I was strange. Perhaps that's why I forgot.
And yes, I know you think I'm strange anyway. Don't judge.

And since I really didn't like that first page I made a couple weeks ago anyway, but did like the journaling card... I just peeled it off that page and stuck it on this next page!
Not so strange after all, huh?

And the journaling for this last page was taken directly from my blog post seen here. Just typed it onto Word, printed & added Bryn's 7th grade photos taken at orientation in August. Easy peasy...

SRM Stickers on all 4 pages. Whether I'm designing for them or not, I'm a fan for life!
Oh.... and I FINALLY received my copy of the March issue of Scrapbook Trends magazine where my card was published. After this long of waiting, I thought for sure they had forgotten about me. Never got to see the edition until now, but gotta love that they gave me a 2-page spread...

Bob asked me when I made those muffins by my card & why didn't he get any?
Ummm... it's the magazine's styling for the photo shoot..... helllllooooo.... ?
I heard they've recently gone all digital. As have a lot of magazines. Kinda sad.
Ok then... I leave you with my new favorite Zumba song...
Time to hit the dance floor...