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  • "The most important thing she had learned over the years, was that there was no way to be a perfect mother - and a million ways to be a great one". Jill Churchill

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June 04, 2012


Julie Tucker-Wolek

You are so boring! lol!!! Just playing! LOVING the photos!! Looks like a great time!! Brian's whole family is there... we need to go there someday!!!


Sounds like a fun weekend! I'd like Ed Debevic's - that would be funny!

And - cute green dress!

Antonia Krajicek

Happy 12th Anniversary! All your photos make me envious. I love Chicago and haven't been there in quite a few years. I miss it! Glad you had such a wonderful getaway :)


She doth protest too loudly!!! deny all you want, your life is VERY VERY interesting, look at these photos, check out your wardrobe!!! girl, that river is in Egypt so forget about it, your life = interesting!!!


You have a very interesting life and I love reading about it. So, thank you for posting all your fun details :)

I completely forgot about Ed Debevics--we loved eating there when we lived in IL.

What a fun anniversary trip!

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