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A favorite quote...

  • "The most important thing she had learned over the years, was that there was no way to be a perfect mother - and a million ways to be a great one". Jill Churchill

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November 22, 2011


Jing-Jing Nickel

There is absolutely no doubt that you are cooler than cool! That layout is so you and so so wonderful!!!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek

This is AWESOME!! I loveeeeeeeeeee that fun photo and loveeeeeeeee the quote! :):):):):):):):):):):)


very cute layout, deana!

Georgia Visacri

love everything about it, Deana! and I think the title is just perfect!

have a great week ;-)

Georgia Visacri

hehee, I mean week...end! hahaa


Denise Morrison

You once commented on a post that I wrote about girlfriends, it's the most amazing thing. We are so lucky to have them. they make us better, cooler, prettier and help us survive. I love this layout so much Deanna. Happy Thanksgiving my dear!

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