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  • "The most important thing she had learned over the years, was that there was no way to be a perfect mother - and a million ways to be a great one". Jill Churchill

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December 17, 2010



I know a gal with an awesome gift wrapping setup -- those you see on TV -- that can get those gifts wrapped pretty fast ;)

We're heading to my in-laws by car (14 hours) with two kids under 5. Hopefully it won't snow in our path! I can't wait to wrap all those presents I shipped up there!

Jing-Jing Nickel

wow, you are so good with your December daily, amazing stuff!!! What a busy schedule you have :) have fun!!!

Georgia Visacri

I love your December daily, Deana, it's one of the cutest I've ever seen, so colorful and pretty!!

Have a great weekend!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek

loving that snowman in your book! :) And hehehehehehe....I could have used an assistant tonight while You-Know-Who shopping at Toys-r-us!! Ugh...what a nightmare that place was! lol! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


I LOVE your December Daily, Deana!!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!! ENJOY!!



that December Daily is AWESOME!!!

Nikki Sivils

If you find a good Assistant please send he or she to my house... too!
Have fun!!
Tis the season! Right! -Nikki


I so love your december daily, I might give that a try next year!!! Realx and have fun!!!

Antonia Krajicek

I'll come be your assistant if I can play in your craft room! You December Daily is looking great. HOpe you got everything done this weekend :)


Loving your gorgeous december daily! Now you inspire me to do one. Next yr then.

Here sending you lots of love for Christmas. Have a blessed one.


Amber Zimmerman

I am loving your december daily! I haven't put one together this year. :-( Still working on the one from two years ago! haha. Have a wonderful Christmas Deana!


Just love asll of your December Daily pages, it's an awesome one! Good luck on all the Christmas jobs ;)

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