We hosted my sister's 30th birthday party almost 5 years ago. It was a surprise party, with an 80's theme... costumes & all. In fact, I bought a "mullet" wig for Bob to wear, along with a Pac Man t-shirt. I tried my best to make my hair BIG... but without the perm, it just wasn't happening. There were many, many laughs that night. At the end of the party, one of Marci's friends who had indulged in WAY more than his share of the keg (so much so that Bob said, "That poor b@st#rd is going to be puking on our lawn any minute now"), kept saying to me, "thank you... thank you very much" more than a few times as he was preparing to leave. Finally I said, "Who is this guy... Elvis?" In my defense, I'd had a couple cocktails myself. Marci, who overheard the conversation & almost fell over trying not to laugh, later told me that he stuttered. Ok, now I feel like a fool. Thankfully he was probably too drunk to remember.
On with the thank you's! 3 friends have passed on some awards recently. Thank you, friends... ;-)
Here we go...
Jenneke gave me the "Sunshine Award" for "bloggers who inspire others with their positivity and creativity." Love that...
I love to read blogs that not only spark creativity for me, but are also written by people with positive attitudes. We all have enough in life that's not so great, who wants to read more depressing stuff?
Kim passed on the Beautiful Blogger award. I'm supposed to list 7 interesting things about myself, but I'm just going to combine it with the next one.
And... Melanie tagged me for this blog chain.... her list is here. I need to list 10 things that make me happy, 5 pieces of trivia about myself, and pass this along to five fellow bloggers to continue on the blog chain.
10 Things that make me HAPPY (Just 10 of the MANY things. I actually wanted to list more...)
- Laughing so hard that no sound is coming out & my belly hurts. (4 people I know can cause this... Dad, Aunt Mari, Sally & Bryn. Seriously... Bryn is Mini Me when it comes to laughing.)
- 70% dark chocolate
- Travelling with Bob & Bryn
- My daily work-outs (Zumba, running, Spin, cardio/sculpt class... all definite mood lifters.)
- Music (preferably live music)
- Creating in my craft room (I'm especially happy when Bob comes in with wine & popcorn).
- "Date Night"
- Love notes from Bryn
- New clothes, shoes, handbags, jewelry (especially when I get a good deal... on sale, coupons, etc.)
- Crossing the finish line
5 pieces of Trivia about myself
- I played the flute from 5th through 12th grade. I'm pretty sure it's NOT like riding a bike & that I probably couldn't play it now if I tried. Or maybe I could play it, I just couldn't remember how to read music?
- I'm REALLY afraid of snakes. My dad once told me I'd be great in a horror movie after he heard me scream.
- I changed my major 3 times before finally settling on & graduating with a degree in Marketing. During my sophomore year, I decided I wanted to be an ART major after not having any art classes since 6th grade. One of my classes involved drawing the nude models who were in our classroom every week. Bryn thinks that's the funniest story ever. I still wonder WHY didn't I continue on with ART???
- With only a few weeks to go during my pregnancy with Bryn, who was still in the breech position, my OB/GYN suggested External Cephalic Version (ECV). This is where the DR puts his hands on your belly & the literally tries to turn the baby around from outside your body. It felt like he was trying to move an internal organ, like say my liver, to a different spot in my body. I think I left fingernail marks on the handrails of the bed. Wow, was that painful. Bryn wasn't having anything to do with turning upsidedown though. So he said, "We can schedule a C-section up to 10 days prior to your due date." I said, "Ok, I'll take that date."
- Speaking of pregnancy... I gained 45 lbs. when I was pregnant and I weighed 10 lbs. more pre-pregnancy than I do now. Lifestyle change... ;-)
Being a party-pooper here. I'm not going to single anyone out to carry on the chain, but I would LOVE to read your lists if you have a day where you want to post some random things about you! So let me know if you play along!
How about some HIP projects tomorrow... I'm finally finished. ;-)
congrats on your awards and I was fascinated by your 5 facts and your 10 happy things not to mention your funny story at the beginning. have a great weekend!
Posted by: Chris Aiton | April 08, 2010 at 04:13 PM
I have THOROUGHLY enjoyed reading this Deana, thank you for sharing!!!!! hugs and more hugs!!! Only very few people weight less after having kids, you are my idol and heroine!
Posted by: Jing-Jing | April 08, 2010 at 04:13 PM
Love these lists, Deana! So fun to read.
Posted by: NancyD | April 08, 2010 at 04:31 PM
here's a random list for ya:
1. that "elvis" story made me laugh out loud.
2. an 80s party -- omg! LOVE that pic of you and bob. his wig is too funny!
3. positive is always a good thing, and i'm glad that you share that each and every day. it makes me want to read your blog! :)
4. laughing cures most aches and pains... esp the kind that makes no noise! :) seriously, that kind will give me cramps.
5.youch to the preggo story. i think i'd pick the c section any day.
6. if you had to pick between zumba and spin? which one do you like more? i'm planning on doing one of those for my daily workout... :)
Posted by: sarah | April 08, 2010 at 05:11 PM
CAn't wait to see the Hip projects!! Thanks for sharing the funny stories and fun facts about you. I love getting little glimpses into the lives of my online friends :) Ok...that sounds creepy and stalkerish but I mean it ONLY in a good way, ha!
Posted by: Antonia Krajicek | April 08, 2010 at 05:21 PM
hehehehehehe...I want bob's shirt!!! :) i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee your lists....but omygosh...i would have kicked some dr. butt if he/she would have tried to twist my belly that way!!! lol!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Posted by: julie | April 08, 2010 at 05:37 PM
Hilarious story Deana! I was nodding in agreement at the snake thing ewwww my GREATEST fear! I also played the flute in school. Loved it!!
Posted by: Michelle Turner | April 08, 2010 at 06:28 PM
Love your lists!
I actually started as an art major and ended with Marketing - Fashion Merchandising degree. :)
Love that 80's pic - and what a fun story. :)
Posted by: kim whitten | April 08, 2010 at 08:00 PM
I love reading these things! My oldest was breach too! I had an ECV also, but they were kind and gave me an epidural, so I just felt extreme pressure. Cannot imagine it without one. You are brave girl! They told me without one, it was more painful than birth! It pushed me right into labor. Also, I watched Bounty Hunter with Jennifer Aniston this weekend and she reminds me of you! At least how she looks. Anyhoo. . .hope you're having a great week! :-)
Posted by: Amber Zimmerman | April 08, 2010 at 11:52 PM
I loved reading these too!!! You work really hard! How do you do it all? What is Zumba? Maybe that will inspire me to do something, anything! LOL Have a fabulous weekend!
Posted by: Suzanne | April 09, 2010 at 03:04 AM
*LOL* Bob looks so funny!!! :) Ah, your sister is the same age as me then as I just turned 35!
Posted by: Laura | April 09, 2010 at 05:24 AM
Thanks for playing along! So fun to see your lists. My sister had an ECV during labor!
I'd love to hear your lifestyle changes sometime . . . since I'm 20 lbs. over my prepregnancy weight. It seems that with each baby I couldn't get that extra 5 lbs. off.
Posted by: MelanieJ | April 09, 2010 at 11:16 AM