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A favorite quote...

  • "The most important thing she had learned over the years, was that there was no way to be a perfect mother - and a million ways to be a great one". Jill Churchill

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« (HIP)py chick... | Main | You make me happy, when skies are grey... »

October 07, 2009



I kinda figured they were gonna be on....I read the hint about "Chicago" on her blog.....gotta see that one! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


i totally saw that!!! :) ...and i thought of your blog post!



After you pointed out the blog, just yesterday I saw someone blogging about her and the oprah show as well. amazing!


You are so right about life changing in an instant.I'm bummed I missed the show, I'll have to look for it to be rerun.

Lisa Howard

I hate I missed it. I had found her blog through someone else's but had to return when you wrote about her. I would love to have heard her story live. Life really can change in the blink of an eye. I work hard at making every moment count but I'm guilty of not always being so good at it. Her story makes me want to be a better every way.

nicole renee

It is a very inspiring story.

Glenda T.

Deanna this is so true!! I think I first found out about her blog from visiting yours and I wanted to watch her on Oprah so bad but it was on too late and I had to work the next day. And I have no PVR capability, drat. But I have bookmarked her blog and find it so inspirational and I think we all need reminders sometimes don't we? Thanks for posting about her here otherwise I would have never known.

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