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  • "The most important thing she had learned over the years, was that there was no way to be a perfect mother - and a million ways to be a great one". Jill Churchill

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« A HEALTHY "cowgirl"... YEE HAW! | Main | It better not be raining in Arizona or I may lose my mind... »

October 25, 2009



That's so sweet of you, and those pages are fabulous. I am sure she will love them :)


Love this page! What a wonderful tribute to to the family :)


Very nice of you! Great LO!


That is so very beautiful Deana!!It's so sweet of you to do that!


*sigh* this is sooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful my friend!!!!!!! loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee those photos and the stars! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

nicole renee

Love the layout, and those boots I pictured are the ones from Payless, I did get some though! At rack room shoes. Love them too!


The layout is just that much more meaninful with a story behind it! So heartwarming and breaking at the same time. A co-worker of mine, on my team of 20, is deployed to Iraq for one year. He has a daughter my #2's age, just so so so hard!! We send care packages to him and lots of gift cards to his wife. What honor and sacrifice!!

Amber Zimmerman

What a touching lo. You are so sweet to do this for her. . .I'm certain she will treasure it!

kim whitten

what a special thing to do! You are so thoughtful of others always! :) Makes my heart happy. =D

Beth Perry

saw this on SIS awesome and heartfelt and perfect! she will love it!


how sweet of you to do this for her! :)

i'm off to check out her blog now! :)



So touching - those pics & your words. I so admire military personnel & their families. Definitely hats off to them.

rachael wood

after 6 years as a Navy wife, i can appreciate this. and i am sure your friend does too. Very cool layout.

Glenda T.

This was so sweet of you and I too cannot imagine saying goodbye to my hubs for that long!! I can feel the emotion from that first pic, this is just fabulous!!


So sweet of you to do this, Deana!! I'm sure Vicky and Steve will LOVE this!!!



this is just beautiful... such a wonderful thing to do for her and her family...
{{HUGS}} Michelle

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