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August 16, 2009



I'm happy you FINALLY got your hands on the magazine. I'd be going crazy waiting to see my work in a publication!! Congratulations! And, OMG, that page is WAY, WAY cool :) Yay for you!!!!!!


YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! And this is ONE of the MILLION REASONS I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee LARISSA!!!!!! LOOKS AWESOME my friend! :):):):):):):):):):):):)


oh wow..that is so cool Deana...pubbed in a magazine!!Huge congrats!And worth the waiting though...LOL!

Glenda T.

That looks like a funky magazine and congrats!!! It's such a great feeling to see your work in print isn't it?


Felicitations! You look fabulous with your beautiful work!


Yay! I'm so glad you finally got your copy! :] You deserve to be published with all of your lovely talent. :]

<3 B

Beth Perry

That is soooo wicked cool, Deana! I am so proud of you!!
(that does suck, though, they you waited so long for it)
But, you finally got it and it looks awesome!!!

nicole renee

Yeah! n So exciting! Congrats.


DAMN ... you insanely talented diva you .. WTG love that shit .. I am so happy for you as if it were me LMAO .. haha ..

Congrats boo


wahoooooooooooooo!!!! awesome possum deana! i'm so happy for you and congratulations! :)


Amber Zimmerman

Congrats! So glad you finally received it. How sweet of Larissa. =) I love that lo of yours too.


I have to admit, I am quite shocked that this is your first pub in a paper mag. Your work is awesome!
Glad you finally got your magazine!

Andi @udandi

how awesome Deanna! and so cool that you were able to help each other out with getting the mags you wanted!

Chris A

Congrats! congrats! I can't believe how long it has taken for you to get the magazine but that is so awesome that Larissa mailed it to you. How special!!!

kim whitten

How awesome! Congrats on the pub. Glad Larissa came through for you....that's what friends are for. :)

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